New bus station in Hengelo


Name of project

New bus station in Hengelo


Location and quantity

Hengelo (O) 69 standarised elements



Municipality of Hengelo



Project details

We presented a detailed proposal based on a concept design produced by BiermanHenket Architecten. Our proposal involved a custom-made product based on standard elements.


The bus station consists of three different sections. The basic design for all sections is identical and includes light fittings, double-sided advertising showcases, benches and supports.


The North island, a roofed area measuring 90 metres in total, features a 27-element shelter. The Central island comprises 5 shelters, each of which consists of 3 elements. The South island is a 27-element shelter.


Our proposals were produced as prototypes first in order to gain the customer's approval. The work on site required coordination between all of the parties in order to deliver a functional bus station.


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